關於gothic architecture的評價, 帶我去旅行
去過慕尼黑新市政廳內的法律圖書館嗎?由於圖書館閱覽室的新哥德式建築風格獨特,成為了電影取景的指定場所!想去參觀的還可以預約導覽介紹唷~ #JuristischeBibliothek, #Munich...
去過慕尼黑新市政廳內的法律圖書館嗎?由於圖書館閱覽室的新哥德式建築風格獨特,成為了電影取景的指定場所!想去參觀的還可以預約導覽介紹唷~ #JuristischeBibliothek, #Munich...
One of the most famous churches of Italy and the f...
One of the most famous churches of Italy and the f...
One of the oldest remaining monasteries in Austria...
One of the oldest remaining monasteries in Austria...
It would be easy to write pages and pages about Vi...
It would be easy to write pages and pages about Vi...
Inside The Cloisters at Westminster Abbey in Lond...
因越南曾經被法國殖民,所以河內這個城市裡充滿著歐式的建築物及異國的氣息。 St.Joseph C...